Chaunchang River Masterplan
Yancheng, China
HCD International in association with J& H Architects of Shanghai designed the Masterplan for the Chaunchang Riverfront in Yancheng. The Chaunchang River which generally runs North and south creates an edge on the East side of the Yancheng Central Business and Residential Districts. Across the River between the Chauchang River and the major train line connecting Yancheng to Beijing to the North and Shanghai to the South is a former industrial area being converted to a mixed -use Hi-Tech Research and Development zone to boost the local economy and provide. On the East edge of the Chaunchang River is a series of existing loft warehouse structures that will for the most part remain and be converted to loft “innovation” space that will focus on technology, the arts and culture with commercial venues to create a destination much like the 798 Arts District in Beijing.
The program is to create a public space on the river that connects both sides to create a new district of that focuses on the recreational, cultural, environmental, hospitality, Institutional, education with commercial infrastructure to create a new district to enhance the growth of the city of Yancheng and support the growth of the new Hi-Tech Research and Development Zone.
In our experience the strength of Riverfront districts is having a seamless connection that allows continuous linear free flowing and easy movement between both sides of the river to activate both sides of the river with landscape bridges engaging the river as a principal component of the park system We call this “Stitching” as if we were connecting two pieces of cloth. In setting up this landscape park system we create a series of islands and lagoons to highlight the different ecosystems along the river and create places for specific cultural venues in this linear park system. Supporting this 5 Kilometer development are four thematic zones, Creative, Commercial, Educational and Hospitality/Convention. All of these zones have some form of mixed use and represent a diversity of culture, activity and landscape. There is a range of scales that are used to create a connection between the pedestrian focused park and cultural systems and address the larger scale of the City in such manor as to define the space of the riverfront much like the space of Central Park in New York is defined by its tall buildings on each side of the Park. The modulation of scale is essential in creating a successful Urbanism that will grow over time.
HCD international LLC - Planning
Client: Department of Planning, City of Yancheng
Jiangsu Province, China
Design Principal: Christopher Groesbeck, Nan Zhou
Situation: Yancheng, China
Services: Master Planning and Design
Status : 1st Phase construction start 3rd quarter 2021