Su Qian Masterplan
Su Qian, China
The goal of the master plan was to create a development along a 26-square kilometer area in the center of the city that is situated on both sides of the 15-kilometer long, ancient Yellow River front. This is in anticipation of significant growth in both population and economy that would create more opportunities for economic growth through education, convention, sporting events, cultural institutions, and tourism. The goal was to create a sustainable “eco-city” that would serve as a model for intelligent and environmentally friendly growth. Sustainability is used here in its broadest sense, achieving a balance of economic, social, and environmental wellbeing. The development from the master plan must create a positive urban experience for the people who live, work, visit, and recreate in Su Qian.
The planning strategy focused on creating a series of distinct districts connected by pedestrian oriented parks and walkways as well as convenient mass transit such as water taxis and electric buses. All spaces are focused on connecting the river with the community. The districts of agriculture, industry, education, regional sports, central business, culture and entertainment, eco-park, and natural habitat areas are planned with a mix of uses including residential and commercial to form a diversity of connected “neighborhoods”. This strategy is modeled after other great waterfront cities such as Paris, Melbourne, New York, and Chicago, all of which are influenced by their natural settings. Their planning leveraged the advantages of their locations, achieving a successful balance of logical development and social well being
Client: Private
Design Principal: Christopher Groesbeck
Work prior with VOA Associates Inc Executive Architect
Situation: Su Qian, China
HCD international LLC - Planning