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HCD international LLC - Planning

Velocity Crossing

Austin, Texas

Velocity Crossing is an approximately 400 Acre development that is located in the South East quadrant of Austin one (1) mile Southeast of Austin-Bergstrom International Airport at the crossing of State Highway 71 and State Highway 130.  It represents the largest mixed -use development in Austin and currently in the State of Texas.  Although not in the center of the Central Business District this represents a significant expansion of the City of Austin and will be connected by a new light rail system to the Airport and the Austin CBD and Government Center by 2025. The importance of this development is to both create a place that is attractive for the growing economic interests in Austin demonstrated by the growth of the Hi-Tech sector but also a place that creates a continuation of what makes Austin unique and one of the most attractive growth areas in the United States with its culture of the arts and entertainment, its home grown economy that is not a “derivative” of global franchises. Austin is an authentic culture and place to live and this development is centered in the continuing this phenomenon.

The components of the program the development are as follows:


1. Corporate Industrial – These will be one to two story flex office light manufacturing spaces focused on startup companies in Hi-Tech, light industry and Commercial broadcast, film and recording studios.

2. Office, Retail, Residential – This mixed -use space although focused on office can also be mixed use with residential.

3. Cultural and Entertainment –This area specifically devoted to Cinema, Music, Performance, Food and Beverage and support venues.

4. Mixed use retail, entertainment, residential and office. –This simulates a loft warehouse environment where there is a mix of residential and office with retail and entertainment venues at the ground level.

5. General Retail – Town center Retail development with both large block and outlet venues.

6. HEB – Anchor grocery store serving site and neighborhood.

7. MOB Office and Retail – Focus on Healthcare providers and Retail.

8. Hotel, Office and Retail –Focus on Hospitality, Conferencing, Office and Retail

9. Corporate Campus – Site for large scale development and or government user

10. Corporate Campus (continued) or Multifamily.


This new 400 Acre Mixed Use Masterplan of Retail, Residential, Hospitality, Corporate Office and Arts and Entertainment is looking to establish a new environment that becomes a district and neighborhood of Austin by providing all the components that a city would have regarding places to work, learn recreate, live and socialize within a coherent plan that focuses on the connection between the built environment and the landscape that is both useful in that it connects the community through pedestrian oriented and comfortable outdoor spaces and allows for the serendipitous events Austin is globally known for like South by Southwest and Austin City Limits. There are significant natural areas in the South east edge of the site that are being preserved these are part of the front door of the project and this environment is being carried through the project through the interaction between the built and natural environment that symbolically represents the canyons, valley and groves of trees that distinguish this landscape and this country. This interaction connects the elegantly functional and purposeful structures into a coherent whole that will make this development a significant part of the history of this city.








Client: Private

Design Principal: Christopher Groesbeck

Work prior with VOA Associates Inc Executive Architect

Situation: Austin, Texas





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HCD international LLC

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